The last three days have thrown some pretty irritating events at me.. I had ordered a book online to be delivered to Gau in the US.. Since it hadn't reached day before, i called the international customer care number they had given.. The lady's accent was by itself hard to decipher from and was irritating but to top it, she put me on hold on an international call for 5 minutes!!! She must be freakin stupid.. Frustrating..
To relax myself later, i decided to see a movie.. I read a review on IMDB about a movie called "Live Free Or Die", not Die Hard 4.0.. It said the movie was one of the best comedies the guy had seen.. This had to be the single most boring movie I've seen.. At least in TR movies, u have him for comedy.. This just beat that hollow.. Absolute waste of 1.5 hours of my life..
This however has to take the cake for most frustrating.. I went to the TCS office to see why they had put only 3 of us alone in Noida for training.. When we got there, the security guy stopped us and asked us to write our names in the entry log.. He called up the sourcing guy and gave the phone to me.. The bugger didn't even let me get into the damn building and shooed me off from their saying the decision has been made in the corporate office and there is no way i can change it.. The least he could have done is called us in and told us the same in person.. And to think these guys are from HR and are good in people skills.. God save us when we join TCS..