An american couple (Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett) go to moroco to spend sometime alone.. When Cate gets shot at, all hell breaks loose.. America immediately say it's terrorism.. Everything that follows is confusion..
Simultaenously, story moves to San Diego where Brad's house keeper takes his kids across the border for her son's wedding.. Here again, the cross border conflicts arises..
The last track is that of deaf-mute chinese girl who feels lonely and alienated.. A small thread that connects all three stories is what forms BABEL..
While each part was shot brilliantly, the thin connection doesn't have much significance.. Some sequences that were particularly well shot were the Boy going to the cops saying he only shot the ameriacn and that his brother wasn't at fault, Brad pitt's anger when the ambulance doesn't come & the scene that follows and finally, the scene when the house keeper is deported back to Mexico.. The finale with the girl willing to begin life afresh was also well written..
I'm now not sure what the Indian government uses as guidelines for censoring.. If the level of nudity and blood shown in the movie is allowed, then i see no reason why AXN should be banned.. Wierd..
As usual we guys ended up laughing for lots of mokkai's (Thanks mostly to ara).. Nice movie experince.. I still don't see how this movie beat 'Departed' to win the golden globe though.. Realistic cinema is the order of the day i guess..
Babel is the tower ppl built to reach heaven...And God was so angry with the concept that he created languages to diversify communication thereby creating chaos,confusion etc....
your interpretation also makes sense but!
vetti dog..read my blog..lol...
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