I'm sure all the guys would've figured this out by just the title, I'm talking about women (It's nice to think of myself grown up enough to call them women rather than girls).. The picture probably tells you my opinion of them..
I mean I've tried understanding them but it is becoming just about impossible.. It's really hard to understand what they see in certain things.. Most times, we guys aren't given a choice.. We need to understand what they do even if it doesn't make an iota of difference to me or anyone for that matter.. They end up attaching too much emotional attachment to everything (I'm supposed to have the emotional range of a teaspoon according to them) which makes it hard for both them and us, hope they realise this sometime..
I'm not trying to be very critical of them.. I've been the smitten kitten quite a few times while talking to them and respect women for what they are.. This however doesn't mean I'll agree with everything they say or do.. I personally feel they have double standards but I'm sure the same argument will be thrown back at me.. Guys keeping girls on call waiting is wrong but for girls to do the same is okay?? I can understand chivalry but this is pushing it a bit.. Please realise we might be trying to score with some other girl on the other line :D
Hayu once told me Girls aren't worth all the trouble that we guys take to please them.. At that time, i used to think "There will come a time when he'll understand".. Now though, i think he might have understood it a whole lot better than i did.. The reason they are probably the way they are with us is probably cause we try too much to keep them happy..
As much as i would like to get away from all this, i don't think i can.. They've become too much an integral part of my life.. I just have to agree with the quote "You may love them, you may hate them but you just can't live without them"..
hey! well written dear ! but what made u write such stuff? no incident's have been mentioned to gather the theme of this post.
dei...enna da idhu!!?anyway i agree with most of the things you ve written....
and i would like to know what those deleted comments are:p
Rascal! Who's the girl??!
Even Gauky agreed that you have a tiny emotional range.. so why the "some of them feel".. so are you saying gauky is a girl??? hmmmmm
Even Fox and Niru also call you the same!!! Hmmmm...
hey cha.. v mite hv said u got "a tiny emotional range"... but this is totally true!! ever word of it...
shit.. i totally 4got.. one more very important thing i've seen!!
when u agree to wat ever a gal says n do as per her wish abt (say) 6 times, n d 7th time u feel its gettin too much, n ur a little less acccomdating, they only look at d 7th ocasion n 4get to credit u for d remainin 6!! they jus 4get abt it!!
tht soo ****** annoying!!
eh .. HE-man@@@ enna man idhu??? this cannot be a 'i jus thought so wrote' piece... explain explain!! now i HV to meet you
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