My visits to Bengaluru have risen significantly over the last four years, particularly over the last year since my sister relocated there.. Though i was born in Bengaluru (no, I'm not a kannadiga.. Very much a Tamizhian) I've never really grown fond of the place, in spite of the fact that they have better beer, better weather and a more picturesque atmosphere than Chennai..
Last week, i was sent to Bangalore on work based on the simple reasoning that since i was born there, i must know the city.. My boss was highly mistaken, i can't get to anywhere except Malleshwaram, Brigade road and Indra Nagar..
Moving on, i was there to meet some people there regarding two studies we were carrying out (I've been sworn to secrecy about what the studies involved, ping me in Private later for more details).. The first thing i realised this time was that the damn city has become hotter than Chennai.. I was so drained out after the first day that i slept 12 hours at a stretch and skipped dinner in the process..
To add to this, the people in Bengaluru were not so friendly to meet.. Most people i spoke to seemed constantly irritated and this didn't help the fact that i had a tough target (number of contacts to be made) to achieve.. What also didn't help was the Nilgiris guy calling me some 30 km away from the city to meet him and then when i get there, to have his assistant convey to me that he wasn't there then.. Highly frustrating work, i appeal to every one of you who wants to enter into consult to think about this before deciding..
The one good thing about market research though is that helps you lose your ego.. The guys you contact know that you are dependent on them and make you realise that when they speak (One gentleman from Britannia raised this bar to a new high for me).. The fact that you need to get your work done makes you swallow your pride and be courteous to him.. Good experience though.. The other big pluses were that i know Bengaluru pretty well now and can manage with my kannada a lot better..
One thing i noticed about the city is that a lot of people know Tamizh there, surprising given the anti Tamizh propaganda that is portrayed on TV.. This made travelling around the city easier.. My uncle's driver (talks only kannada) claims Chennai is not so friendly to tourists cause when he asked some auto guy here for directions, all he got was what he infers were profanities..
I think i have a fair idea wat made u write bout Bangaluru now!!! And don u lie cha... U wanted to move to bangaluru hardly 2 hrs back.. U cant possibly hate the place :D
lol.. i didn't say i hate bangalore.. besides, i said i love chennai's export to bangalore, not bangalore itself..
"The first thing i realised this time was that the damn city has become hotter than Chennai."
Strange the first thing i realized when i came to Chennai from Blore was how hot it was here and how i was going to miss the pleasant Blore weather so much :P
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