Yesterday my friend sent me a message saying the supreme court had stayed the OBC quota and i was genuinely happy.. Being in the general category, I'm sure a lot of us would've felt extreme anger whenever they say reservation in education.. Having been brought up in the society as exists today, we understood that nothing should value more than the merit of the individual..
Yesterday, i also realised that all these were false hopes.. All the politicians seemed unanimous in saying that the decision of the supreme court was wrong.. Every single one of them looking for political leverage.. Did we actually elect these leaders?? The worst part being that the petition had been put forward based on a 1931 census.. How is such data even valid in the present time??
The government should be trying to get students who will take India to the world.. Instead they are more worried about how many of them could be convinced to vote for them come the next election.. I mean, it's probably Karunanidhi's last term, can't he at least do something right before he leaves?? The entire world is moving forward and India is probably the only country where people are fighting to get a backward caste certificate.. Sometimes you wonder who the disadvantaged are that the government talks about..
I hate people like myself.. All this anger and we done nothing at all.. Having said that, i don't think most people know what to do when they come across a situation like this.. I sincerely hope though that someone does something about it.. If they do, they have my support.. Let us pray that all the struggle that so many students across India have gone through does not go in vain..
Yesterday, i also realised that all these were false hopes.. All the politicians seemed unanimous in saying that the decision of the supreme court was wrong.. Every single one of them looking for political leverage.. Did we actually elect these leaders?? The worst part being that the petition had been put forward based on a 1931 census.. How is such data even valid in the present time??
The government should be trying to get students who will take India to the world.. Instead they are more worried about how many of them could be convinced to vote for them come the next election.. I mean, it's probably Karunanidhi's last term, can't he at least do something right before he leaves?? The entire world is moving forward and India is probably the only country where people are fighting to get a backward caste certificate.. Sometimes you wonder who the disadvantaged are that the government talks about..
I hate people like myself.. All this anger and we done nothing at all.. Having said that, i don't think most people know what to do when they come across a situation like this.. I sincerely hope though that someone does something about it.. If they do, they have my support.. Let us pray that all the struggle that so many students across India have gone through does not go in vain..
Hey.. don hate urself all.. finally u see wat i ve been trying to tel u !!! :-) .. reservation in various forms exists in all countries- even the US. It is however unfortunate that it has completely eroded our education system..Reservation at the PG level was jus a little too much!!! The emphasis should be on primary education for all..
And u can do something bout it.. start a general category minority institution!!!! :-) I was thinking of doing something like that .. maybe a school or somethin..
1931 consensus or sensus?
oops.. my mistake.. changed..
i think we are far from being called developing forget abt being called developed.all fundamental problems are being carried forward to the next GEn like land allocation for development(SEZ's),farmer's are being given unfair deal's for their land.oh this is so f*#!g frustrating dude.i have tried calling some social organizations but i still kinda dont understand how can an avg guy actually make a diference to these problems?
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